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Saturday, May 16, 2009

Lay vs Lie

Kata kerja lie dan lay sering membingungkan kita. Perhatikan bentuk perbedaannya seperti berikut ini:

Kata Kerja lie memiliki 2 arti yang berbeda:

Lie: Berbaring:

  • The mechanic was lying on his back underneath my car.
  • The cat just loves to lie in front of the fire.
  • She lay back in the dentist's chair and tried to relax.
  • Lie still a moment, John.
  • He lies awake at night, worrying.
  • He lay down on the bed and cried.
  • I usually lie down (=rest/sleep) for an hour after lunch
  • Snow lay thickly over the fields.

Lie: Berbohong:

  • Both witnesses lied to the police about what happened in the accident.
  • Don't trust her - she's lying.
  • I used to lie about my age but nowadays I don't bother.
  • She lied her way past the guards.

Sedangkan kata kerja lay artinya Meletakkan:

  • She laid the baby (down) in its cot.
  • I'll lay your coats on the bed upstairs.
  • Perhaps we should lay paper over the floor while we're decorating the room.
  • She laid aside her book and went to answer the phone.
  • The dog laid its ears back (=put them flat against its head) and howled.
  • He laid down his knife and fork, saying he couldn't possibly eat any more.
  • Lay the rug flat on the ground.
  • There will be some disruption for the next few weeks while contractors lay a new cable/sewer.
  • We're having a new carpet laid in the hall next week.
  • They've been laying bricks (=making a wall with bricks) for two weeks and the first floor is already finished.

Lie (Berbohong) adalah Regular Verb (Kata Kerja Beraturan):


  • He is not to be trusted. He will always lie if he thinks it will help him.
  • You lied to me, child!
  • I have lied to him for his own sake.

Lie (Berbaring) adalah Irregular Verb (Kata Kerja Tidak Beraturan):


  • She usually lies down for a couple of hours after lunch.
  • He lay perfectly still, hoping that they wouldn't find him.
  • The jungle had lain undisturbed for thousands of years.

Lay (Meletakkan) adalah Irregular Verb (Kata Kerja Tidak Beraturan):


  • Jenny lays the table for dinner every day.
  • We lay newspaper on the floor to stop the paint spoiling the wooden boards.
  • The hens have laid eight eggs.

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