Breaking News
Monday, May 18, 2009

Will vs Going to

Kalau kita ingin berbicara tentang kenyataan di masa yang akan datang, atau kita percaya bahwa sesuatu itu akan menjadi kenyataan di masa mendatang, maka gunakanlah 'will'.

  • The President will serve for four years.
  • The boss won't be very happy.
  • I'm sure you'll like her.
  • I'm certain he'll do a good job.

Kalau kita tidak yakin, gunakan 'will' dengan ekspresi seperti 'probably', 'possibly', 'I think', 'I hope'.

  • I hope you'll visit me in my home one day.
  • She'll probably be a great success.
  • I'll possibly come but I may not get back in time.
  • I think we'll get on well.

Namun jika kita membuat prediksi di masa mendatang berdasarkan fakta yang ada pada saat sekarang, maka gunakanlah 'going to'.

  • Not a cloud in the sky. It's going to be another warm day.
  • Look at the queue. We're not going to get in for hours.
  • The traffic is terrible. We're going to miss our flight.
  • Be careful! You're going to spill your coffee.

Kita membuat keputusan mendadak pada saat bicara (tidak ada rencana sebelumnya), maka gunakanlah 'will'. Namun kalau sudah direncanakan dengan matang, gunakanlah 'going to'.

  • I'll call Jenny to let her know. Sarah, I need Jenny's number. I'm going to call her about the meeting.
  • I'll come and have a drink with you but I must let Harry know. Harry, I'm going to have a drink with Simon.

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