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Monday, May 18, 2009

Simple Past Tense

Rumus Kalimat Positif:

subject + Kata Kerja Bentuk ke - 2

Rumus Kalimat Negatif :







Kata Kerja Bentuk ke - 1

Rumus Kalimat Tanya:





Kata Kerja Bentuk ke - 1

Perhatikan contoh berikut ini:

subject auxiliary verb main verb
+ I went to school.
You worked very hard.
- She did not go with me.
We did not work yesterday.
? Did you go to London?
Did they work at home?

Pengecualian: Ketika Predikat suatu kalimat bukan kata kerja, maka pengganti kata kerja tersebut adalah was (I, she, he, it) dan were (we, you, they). Contoh:

subject main verb
+ I, he/she/it was here.
You, we, they were in London.
- I, he/she/it was not there.
You, we, they were not happy.
? Was I, he/she/it right?
Were you, we, they late?

Kapan kita memakai Simple Past Tense?

Kita memakai Tense ini untuk membicarakan tentang satu perbuatan yang terjadi di masa lampau.

Perhatikan contoh-contoh kalimat berikut:

  • The car exploded at 7 pm yesterday.
  • She went to the mall with my father last week.
  • Barbara was here 5 minutes ago.

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